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The NCCAOM Find a Practitioner Directory is a voluntary directory designed to be used by the public to assist individuals in finding an NCCAOM practitioner: Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM)®, Dipl. C.H. (NCCAOM)®, Dipl. O.M. (NCCAOM)®, or Dipl. ABT (NCCAOM)®. Please note that since this directory is voluntary, not all certified Diplomates will be listed. The NCCAOM would also like to remind all users that the address information that is published in the NCCAOM practitioner search engine is updated by the NCCAOM Diplomate directly. The NCCAOM is not responsible for incorrect or out-of-date information. The information is also to be used only to assist in the finding of a certified NCCAOM Diplomate and should not be used for solicitation in any way.

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